(This post was written by Dante Rondo)

I feel that cellular towers or modules, however discreetly placed, would set a dangerous and very unaesthetic precedent in downtown Carmel and neighborhoods.

In fact, we should all be saying “no” to this very loudly!  Verizon says these are for 4G but they will be modified and ready for 5G rollout which will mean many more towers.  The FCC is in bed with the cellular industry and has given its stamp of approval, yet it is a known fact that 5G has not been thoroughly tested for its impact on health and environmental impacts.  It could be a potential looming disaster for humans, animals and our entire ecosphere!

Since 5G RWF signals cannot travel far, they will need to install more and more cellular towers or modules.  How about one every 500 hundred meters or so, outside of your home on your block or downtown? By the way, 5G signals do not pass through solid objects such as trees.  So, would they then suggest we cut down more trees to make their technology more efficient?  And, although the FCC and cellular industries are saying the increased RWF frequency pulses, 100-1000 times stronger than 4G are safe, this is an out and out lie.  There are thousands of concerned scientists and doctors around the world that are making researched and informed statements to the contrary.  Constant exposure to 5G %FW radiation will radically increase diseases in the population of humans and animals around the globe.

Colony collapse of bees will also be epidemic in its scope.  With 20,000 satellites in the stratosphere beaming the 5G back to millions and millions of towers and mini-tower modules, we will be, in effect, being constantly radiated by this new technology.  Hence, we will be the experiment, and our health and the well-being of our entire ecosystem is at risk.  And, why? So men like Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos, and heads of cellular industries and stockholders get richer while the rest of us get poorer and sikcer form a technology that is being pushed on us?

I call this a power grab by the corpratocracy of our time.  They want to take away our freedom of choice which is totally undemocratic and likely unconstitutional also.  Why isn’t the World Health Organization of the EPA speaking out?  I think we know why.  I recommend an excellent film on YouTube called “5G Apocalypse Extinction Event”.  Everyone should be informed and then take action!

There is a current trillion-dollar class action lawsuit forming against the purveyor of the 5G rollout by the way.  Being able to download a movie in 30 seconds or less will not matter if one gets cancer or another disease from constant 5G RFW exposure.

Back to Carmel. So, obviously, cell phone reception is not a problem here.  Does everything need to move faster and faster with the current frenetic pace of our civilization?  Shall we become more like robots, attached to our “cellular appendages”?  Yes, neighbors and friends, this is a good fight and we should not lay down in Carmel!

Our neighbors in Monterey did not want the mini-5G towers in their neighborhoods and their Planning Commission and City Council listened to their voices!  We should start right here by prioritizing humane and animal health and well-being and the long-standing values of Carmel’s natural and aesthetic environment.  It is my greatest hope that our Planning Commission and City Council wills tand by what Carmel has and hopefully will continue to be….a place of refuge, well-being, and beauty.


Dante Rondo

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