As many of you know, the city is updating its wireless ordinance to meet federal guidelines. A few of us from the original STOP Cell Towers in Carmel Neighborhoods group have formed a wireless ordinance committee to ensure our citizens have a voice in the ordinance drafting process. Our committee is Christy Hollenbeck, Tasha Witt, Alissandra Dramov, and Bob Kavner. We have some very exciting news to share! We have just hired expert telecom attorney, Andrew Campanelli, to write a wireless ordinance we can all support! We are counting on Mr. Campanelli to write the most protective ordinance allowed under the law. He says the city’s hands are not tied and there is plenty that can be done to protect our community. Mr. Campanelli is considered by many to be the best, most experienced telecom attorney in the country. Please watch his video on ordinances here: Andrew Campanelli’s website: We need your help to pay for his legal fees! While we cannot guarantee the city will adopt our ordinance, Mr. Campanelli is the best hope we have to convince the city to adopt the most protective ordinance possible. Our ordinance committee is willing to work hard and fight for our beautiful village to preserve our quality of life! Please consider donating online to our STOP fundraising account set up via Carmel Cares. You can make a donation online at Make sure to select “Stop Cell Towers Support”. The link also has instructions for mailing a check to Carmel Cares. Fill out the form and put “Stop Cell Towers Support” in the memo line.  Thank you! 😊 Christy Hollenbeck, Tasha Witt, and Bob Kavner STOP Cell Towers in Carmel Neighborhoods

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