Carmel Neighbors,

We carefully reviewed the city’s wireless ordinance draft and found it to lack critical ordinances and had no authority to enforce its ordinances, leaving our residential zones unprotected from cell tower proliferation.

We took the following actionable steps to protect our neighborhoods:

  • We wrote a letter to the City Council, Planning Commissioners and City Staff outlining the major ways that the city wireless ordinance was weak and lacking in regulatory authority. We have attached our letter if you would like to read it.
  • We met with Planning Director Brandon Swanson about these concerns and found our meeting to be productive:
    1. The City Planning Director has postponed the 9/14 Wireless Ordinance Planning Commission Workshop to better refine our city’s wireless ordinance in response to our comments. A new date was not set.
    2. The City Planning Director will ask the city attorney critical questions that we have presented, so that he can understand why their draft did not provide maximum protections for our community.
    3. The City Planning Director said he will reach out to Andrew Campanelli, the attorney the citizens originally hired to draft a strong ordinance, with the hope that his work can become the center of a new future draft.

We are pleased that the City Planning Director is taking steps to challenge the City’s work product. Our goal is that we have the best ordinance; one that is not intended to stop all wireless facilities but gives our city the maximum legal authority to decide where they go.


Stop Cell Towers in Carmel Neighborhoods
“We are for cellular service in the least intrusive means to our residential neighborhoods

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